“Let your conversation be always full of grace,
seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”
Helping YOU get ready to speak
Has your student found their voice? From the most timid young person to those with the “gift of gab,” everyone has
important ideas to share.
ICC provides resources and training to help you get the next generation ready to influence today’s culture.
Student Leader Training
Three Global Leadership conference calls
Student Leader Development Curriculum (Navigator) - 12 sessions
Academy Student Leader Roles Coaching,
Student Evaluator registration
Reception with training at live events with event registration
Leadership Practicum
+1 high school credit
Value: $377
2024-2025 Enrollment: $97
We are empowering next generation Christians to influence today's culture by giving them a safe place to get ready. We equip them with five vital tools that they can use today, tomorrow, and wherever their future takes them:
Collaboration, Creativity,
Cultural Awareness and
Critical Thinking.
We recognize that training and equipping emerging leaders in both communication and leadership skills is essential. That is why we offer fundamental leadership opportunities within Chapter. Cultivating relationships that facilitate growth, in a safe environment, is foundational to our mentoring model. Students get to experience this first hand within the
local RI HOPE Chapter.
​Chapter Sponsor
Samantha Short
Assistant Chapter Sponsor
Courtney Goglia​
Chapter Wise Guides
Travis King
Sarah King
Michelle Dutra
Liz Arruda
Karen Huang
Michelle McMurphy
​Jen Curry
Josh Fontenault
Rachel Fontenault
Jayme Derderian
Autumn Carvalho
Nikki Lonngren

ICC Student Leadership Training Objectives
To inspire a shared vision
To model authentic leadership and communication
To understand the importance, and grow in, character development
To meet, encourage, and mentor students
To give your Chapter a sense of the larger community of ICC
To provide meaningful coaching for not just communication, but leadership
To collaborate with adults in leadership
To build unity and community among the Students
To learn how to create a safe environment for innovation to take place
*2024-2025 Official Student Leaders:
Student Leaders:
Elinor, Aili, Ben, Elliana, Ruth & Claire
*Official Student Leader Requirements:
Completed Phase I of the Young Speaker Guild
Attended an ICC regional leadership training event
Agreement with ICC Statement of Faith
Regularly attend Northeast Area YSG Video Connection
Enrollment in Student Leadership
Ages 14 - 18