“Let your conversation be always full of grace,
seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

RI HOPE is a Chapter of the
Institute for Cultural Communicators (ICC)
What is ICC
The Institute for Cultural Communicators is a non-profit organization like no other!
We create high value for our participants by offering a variety of effective learning and mentoring experiences. These experiences help students gain confidence and competence in communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking skills.
Our students are exposed to the ideas of Christians from other cultures around the globe, expanding their cultural mindset.
Students who work through the Student Leadership Pathway graduate from the program with an amazing set of proficiencies, skills that many employers find lacking in their younger employees, even college graduates.
ICC provides a high level of value at a great price-point for consumers.
The cost for these experiences is comparable to, even below, the cost of other opportunities that may not create the same level of value: sports, dance, private high- school education, or music lessons.
ICC equips youth to integrate lessons from both high-tech and high-touch learning environments for real- world application.
ICC Vision
To enlarge a global community empowering next generation Christians to influence today's culture.
Since its beginnings in 1997, ICC has grown from an annual Communicators for Christ tour into an organization offering a variety of programs and resources designed to help Christian students and their parents, teachers, and coaches become ready for influence.
ICC Mission
The mission of ICC is helping ordinary students become extraordinary leaders.
We achieve our mission through:
Chapters: ICC provides the NAVIGATOR which guides Chapter sponsors and the student leadership team with creative activities and lessons for each meeting. Next generation Christians receive mentoring and real-world experience in communicating, leading, collaborating, and serving in safe local communities. LINK to ICC Membership Option.
Curriculum: Junior high and high school student progress through three levels of the Young Speakers Guild (YSG). This unique Christ-centered curriculum, provides real preparation for real life. ICC also offers numerous courses delivered through our tailored online Learning Management System. The ICC Academy provides access to digital learning environments when and where it works for you.
Conferences: "Communicators for Christ" and the brand new "4:12" Conference provide a dynamic immersion experiences for students ages 6-18 and adults. They are led by inter-generational teams who travel throughout the US and East Asia every fall. LINK to video of Caleb, an ICC Alumni, speaking at the 4:12 Conference in California 10/19/17.
ICC Statement of Faith
While we recognize that leadership and communication training is beneficial for everyone, there are a few distinctives that set our organization apart. In order to help us act as a community, united in mind, spirit, and purpose (Phil 2:2), we hold to a creed, a statement of the essential beliefs that we hold in common. This creed is not the sum total of everything each of us believes or practices. It does, however, delineate key features that bond us together as we work for united goals.
ICC representatives subscribe to the Nicene Creed, a statement of faith embraced by all Christ-followers: Protestants, Roman Catholics, and Eastern Orthodox believers. The Creed was written in 325 AD, before the ancient writings of Scripture were canonized into the Bible as we know it today. We have selected the most common English translation of the Creed.
ICC is not a church. We are an organization of Christ followers joined by a common mission. We recognize that any words chosen to describe our faith have the potential to be both inclusive and exclusive. Our goal in selecting the Nicene Creed is to include fellow Christ followers.
Read more.... Statement of Faith
ICC Core Values