“Let your conversation be always full of grace,
seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

RI HOPE Chapter Meetings
Chapters develop mastery through competence, character, and connection. In the Institute for Cultural Communicators (ICC) we focus on these five competencies: communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and cultural mindset, which provide real-world training.
Experiencing Community - Connecting with others and a common mission
We all desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves - to connect with others who share our same beliefs and values. ICC strives to build supportive communities that are connected with a vision. We believe that experiencing events encourages people to learn from each other, transform each other's lives, and inspire each other to grow and love the Lord. ICC invites students, parents, and community members to experience the dynamic support system where ordinary students become extraordinary leaders for Christ.
We hope to see you there!
2024-2025 RI HOPE Schedule
Contact Samantha.Short@ICCinc.org
​What to Bring to Chapter:
Young Speakers Guild Portfolio
Weekly presentations and completed portfolio pages
Pencil or pen
Water-bottle and snack
You must be signed into your iccinc.org email account to access this spreadsheet.
RI HOPE 2024 -2025 Calendar Events
(see Google Calendar on RI HOPE Home page for details)
2024 New Family Orientation - Contact Samantha.Short@ICCinc.org for more information
Chapter Launch August 21st at 2:00 at Faith Fellowship in Coventry
Communicators for Christ conference - November 8-9, 2024 - cfcicc.org
ICCFS Global Online Tournament - November 21-22, 2024
Fall Program Showcase - November 22, 2024 - Living Hope Church in North Kingstown
Christmas Gathering - December 11 at Faith Fellowship - Food * Fun * Fellowship
IGNITE Winter Retreat in Spring City, TN - Student Leader Team - January 16 - 20, 2025
Equipping for University Readiness Webinar - January 22, 2025, 7:30 – 9:30 pm
Script Submission Deadline NE ICCFS - Wednesday, March 12, 2025
ICCFS Northeast Area Tournament - March 22, 2025 in Haverhill, Massachusetts
Patriotic Presentation at the Rhode Island Veterans' Home - TBD
Open House TBD
RI HOPE Chapter Showcase TBD - Ice Cream Social to follow
​Faith Fellowship Church, 1395 Nooseneck Hill Road, Coventry
Contact Samantha.Short@ICCinc.org for more information

Sponsored Events

What To Expect
When You Join RI HOPE & ICC
Middle School and High School Students (11-19)
Young Speakers Guild
Training Series
Elementary School Students (6-10)
12 Young Communicators
for Christ Classes
Parents of YSG and YCC Students
Mentoring Students and
Student Leaders
What is Expected of the Student in the Young Speakers Guild (ages 11-19)?
Chapter and YSG Portfolio Coaching Time:
The purpose of the chapter meeting is to develop competent, character-driven communicators. We schedule 28 chapter meetings that are 2 hours each. All chapter meetings are led by Student Leaders (SLs), who plan an Opening Activity, Warm-up, Devotional, Group Activity, and Small Group Coaching and Mentoring Sessions. SLs are being trained to serve the chapter from set-up and clean-up, taking full responsibility for the schedule and activities following a Christ-honoring servant-leader model.
Mandatory Chapter Presentation in the fall and spring - this is when we give back to the community
1 - 2 hours of portfolio building each week = 1 high school English credit
Young Speakers Guild (YSG) Phase I Portfolio Presentation Requirements (in and outside of class):
Student introduces himself to fellow chapter members and performs several impromptu speeches.
Student records chapter participation in his YSG Phase I portfolio.
Student procures one (1) community audience (platform) to give Bible presentation.
Student procures two (2) community audiences (platforms) for storytelling.
Student makes phone calls to solicit the above audiences.
Student writes thank you notes to those who aid him in giving the above portfolio assignments.
What is expected of the parents of the YSG student?
Attend all Chapter meetings. We are working together to mentor our children to be leaders for Christ. This is not a "Speech Class" or “drop-off” program. An adult chaperone must be on-site at all times.
Parents are expected to participate in all meetings. You will assist by listening to students, coaching and evaluating them, checking portfolio pages, or mentoring students. We consider every parent a coach and wise guide.
Listen to your child's portfolio presentations at home and help evaluate and monitor progress with the Young Speakers Guild portfolio.
Adults are encouraged to attend the Communicators for Christ Conference with your child(ren). November 8-9th hybrid experience combining online training at a local church. Mandatory attendance for all student leaders
Optional FREE Coach Training through the ICC Academy. All parents are encouraged to take "Coaching with Success".
Participate in an ICCFS Tournament (Several opportunities January-April 2024). You will be asked to assist in the responsibilities of hosting a tournament (ex. working at the tournament as an evaluator, station leader, providing food, etc).
$40 ICCFS Tournament registration (due February 2024 competition in March 22 in MA or April Online).
Students in Young Communicators for Christ (YCC Elementary ages 6-10)
Chapter Time:
14 Monthly meetings 2 hours each (see "Young Communicators for Christ" dates above)
Mandatory Chapter Presentation in the fall and spring
15 - 30 min. of practice each week
Requirements (outside of class):
Student participates in Chapter Presentations and RI HOPE Showcase
Attend the Communicators for Christ Conference
What is expected of the parents of the YCC student?
Attend all Chapter meetings. We are working together to mentor our children to be leaders for Christ. This is not a “drop-off” program. An adult chaperone must be on-site at all times.
Assist during most meetings by listening to students, coaching, and evaluating them in break-out sessions.
Receive Coach Training through the ICC Academy. All parents are encouraged to take "Coaching with Success".
Listen to your child's presentations at home and give feedback.
Adults are encouraged to attend the Communicators for Christ Conference with your child(ren). November 8-9th hybrid experience combining online training at a local church.
You will be invited to assist in the responsibilities of running a tournament (ex. working at the tournament as an evaluator, station leader, providing food, etc).
CFC Student attends the Communicators for Christ Conference (CFC) November 8-9th hybrid experience combining online training at a local church. CFC attendance is highly recommended.
Contact RI HOPE Chapter Sponsor Samantha.Short@ICCinc.org for more information