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  • Natlia

RI HOPE has helped me prepare for the real world.

I remember sitting in the kitchen talking with my mom about joining a public speaking group. I had always been shy around public, especially with adults or people I didn’t know very well. So, the thought of standing in front of a bunch of people giving a speech was terrifying to me. My first day at speech class I was so shy, even doing a small activity in front of my class gave me the jitters. But since then, I have seen myself grow so much. The more I stepped out of my comfort zone and practiced speaking as I delivered speeches and participated in classes, I learned how to be confident in who I am as a speaker and as a Christian.

I have learned valuable leadership skills and I have enjoyed being a student leader where I got the opportunity to teach and mentor younger students. I am so glad I was able to have this experience in my life to learn how to be a good public speaker through this wonderful program with ICC in my chapter, RI HOPE as it has helped me prepare for the real world.

In being a part of RI HOPE, I participated in the ICCFS tournament both last February and again this February. This year, after winning two limited prep events, radio broadcasting and round table, I was invited to a convention in Tennessee where I will compete in nationals.

After some deliberation, I accepted the invitation and I am looking forward to this experience ahead. Along with meeting hundreds of other Christian students across the globe, I am excited for the valuable things I will learn during this convention. As an apprentice, I will be learning more leadership and coaching skills and how to better influence society today as Communicators for Christ. I know that this will be an amazing experience that I will never forget and I am excited to see how it will impact me, both as a speaker and as a Christian.

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