Author, speaker and academic strategist, Jeannie Burlowski spoke and encouraged a small group of families in Attleboro, Massachusetts on Thursday night.
She shared her Debt-Free College strategies and visited with students.
On Friday, Jeannie spoke to RICH Co-op in North Kingstown, Rhode Island in the afternoon.
RI HOPE sponsored a free "Debt-Free College" Session at Coventry High School on Friday evening. This event was attended by families from Connecticut and several towns in Rhode Island.
On Saturday morning, Jeannie taught 16 students and their parents how to write award winning scholarship essays using a persuasive speech strategy.
Hosting Jeannie Burlowski is just one example of how RI HOPE gives back to the community throughout the year with various classes, seminars and outreaches to intentionally serve and encourage those in our community.