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An Normand (photgraphs by Cindy Clarkin)

ICC Models Strong Interpersonal Skills

"In 2013, Google decided to test how their hiring and firing (algorithm) process was working. “Project Oxygen” shocked everyone. It turns out that of the eight most important skills at Google, STEM expertise came in dead last. Topping the list were strong interpersonal skills.

1. Being a good coach

2. Communicating and listening well

3. Possessing insights into others (social awareness)

4. Empathy and support toward colleagues

5. Critical thinking

6. Problem solving

7. Connecting complex ideas "

An Normand presenting the Young Speakers Guild Award to Olivia.

The Institute for Cultural Communicators (ICC) really does a great job at developing the “hard to measure skills” Google and really all great employers value.

ICC’s 3C-approach (Competence, Character, Connection) and P3R3-formula (Purpose, Prepare, Present + Rate, Respond, Record) provides a clear repeatable process for anyone to become a great coach or mentor who values self-development as well as the development of others.

Communicating and listening well is interwoven in ICC’s approach, notably in the focus on both audience analysis and being a good audience ready to provide constructive and encouraging feedback.

Insight into others grows as we listen well and process what we have heard from others and learned in the doing. This leads to both speaker and listener gaining empathy toward, and being supportive of others.

In our collaborative approach (round-table style) we learn the great value of divergent and convergent thinking and become good problem solvers increasingly more skilled at making connections across complex ideas.

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