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John DeChristofaro, RI HOPE Alumni

How I overcame my shyness and insecurity with boldness and confidence.

I have been a part of RI HOPE for the last five years. When I have told people that I take public speaking they have answered with “oh I could never” or “wow I would run from it” and at the beginning, like them, I wasn’t too thrilled about it and I only looked at it like something that would just end up on my transcript.

However, what I have since recognized and appreciate most importantly is the transformation I underwent spiritually as well as a communicator. This journey has been something that has built me through the skills that I have learned and has given me a greater motivation to influence the dark with the light of God’s truth.

It really pushed me to overcome my shyness and insecurity with boldness and confidence so that what I speak can make a difference. I have also had the wonderful privilege to meet new friends and grow alongside them where we were all able to build up and strengthen each other as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The friendships I have made have played a huge part in my growth and transformation as they have encouraged me in my relationship with Christ to push back my fears so I can influence the world for Christ.

RI HOPE has provided me with the tools to be more effective, confident, and humble in communicating God’s truth so that I can in turn be God’s tool for His glory.

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