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Writer's pictureCindy Clarkin

Honors Stoles for ICC Guild Inductees

I am so proud of Sam, Isabel, and Andrew. These three 2021 high school graduates were student leaders in

RI HOPE for three years. Today I had the pleasure of photographing them wearing the new ICC Guild Inductee Honors Stoles that were made by Jaime Acevedo (2021 ICC Intern, Olivia Dailey's Uncle).

Back Story:

I had the idea to create the Guild Honors Stole as I watched these three amazing students graduate in May. As they walked across the platform with such grace and poise, I couldn't help but think of all their years in ICC that made this confidence possible. They truly stood out among their peers.

I thought of all my older children who have belonged to "Honor" societies in college for which they proudly wore an honors stole on graduation day.

Why not give credit for a job well done and all the countless hours of service ICC Guild Inductees have given in their families, churches, communities, and the ICC community during their high school years. One Sunday, I was praying about who to ask to help me with my creative idea. It happened that we went to Olivia's Baptism that morning then went out to lunch after. I sat across the table from Tia Sandra. During our conversation, she told me that her husband Jaime had an embroidery machine. And the rest is history.

I hope this idea will bring recognition and honor in the future to the ICC Guild Inductees throughout the world at their graduation ceremonies.

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