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Writer's pictureDr. Teresa Moon President and CEO Institute for

Our Temperaments Literally Color Our Communication

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re trying to make a decision as a group. One person dives right in, dominating the conversation. Another cuts in repeatedly, trying to clarify details. Someone else swells with excitement - but goes down rabbit trails. Perhaps another appears to go with the flow but rejects everyone else’s ideas.

We’ve all seen some version of this in our lives. Our temperaments literally color our communication.

What we say, how we say it, and how we listen to others differs based on our innate wiring. Kathleen Edelman’s resource, I Said This, You Heard That, has helped our adult and student leaders absolutely transform communication in their homes, their schools, and their teams.

One student who participated in our temperaments workshops during a Communicators for Christ conference said: “I feel empowered to know how I can fill other people's needs - those who have a different temperament than me. And with this knowledge, I can now be confident that I can work on a team anywhere!”

Here’s a 2-minute spoof video our Fall Ambassador Team made to demonstrate how temperaments might naturally communicate with one another. (And after the spoof, you can get a peek at our Temperaments devotional with Josh Boulden if you like!)

Communication is so important in every relationship we have. I hope you’ll take the time to explore the temperaments - yours and others’ - and learn how you can communicate even better with the people in your life “according to their need.”

You’re invited to join us to do just that at our next CFC conference, of course!

Please join the members of RI HOPE as we host the eastern time zone live online Communicators for Christ Conference on November 6th and 7th

Register today:

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