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Writer's pictureDr. Teresa Moon President and CEO Institute for

Round Table, Trading Up

Updated: Mar 25, 2021

Research tells us we have moved from an information economy to a connection economy. Businesses and organizations are trending toward connection and collaboration and away from information and evidence. Information can be accessed from almost anywhere; it’s connections that influence culture - connecting people to people, people to information, people to important ideas.

ICC’s mission is focused on getting next generation Christians ready for influence. This requires equipping our members for communication with real-world application by providing real-time feedback. We believe Round Table Discussion, an activity developed by the oldest forensics society Pi Kappa Delta, is the next vehicle that prepares us to do just that. Not only will it allow more members to participate, but it will better equip our members for what they will experience in the real world.

Round Table Discussion is a form of discussion used for the purpose of building consensus. Participants work together on a specific issue to come to an agreement through discussion and debate. Each person is given equal opportunity to participate, as illustrated by the

idea of a circular layout referred to in the term “round table.”

This activity will equip students with the skills they need to collaborate, to listen to innovative thoughts, to understand new ideas, to value different opinions, to think critically about many sides of an issue (there are always more than two), to draw out ideas of others, to add comments respectfully, to ask questions to clarify, to be willing to participate, and to work together toward a common goal. These skills are essential to conversations from the dinner table to the conference table, from the student council meeting to the executive board meeting. Communication and relationships at all levels will be impacted.

The ICC vision is a global community empowering next generation Christians to influence today's culture. The ICCFS team’s promise is to continue to align our activities and training to advance our vision and mission so that we can develop today the skills to be influence-ready which you need now and in the future. We care about you that much!

Five years ago Dr. Moon spoke about this decision to "Trade Up" to Round Table.

Listen to her talk here:

2021 Round Table Topic Encourages Lifelong Learning

The Institute for Cultural Communicators Forensics Society (ICCFS) has intentionally created the Round Table Training model to teach student valuable lessons using the ICC Problem-Solving Model and consensus-building skills. The purpose is to prepare our student to solve real-world problems while working with teams. Round Table is an exercise where students begin the journey toward listening well, interacting with the world of ideas, and communicating both persuasively and respectfully on a team with a common goal.

2021 ICCFS Round Table SCENARIO:

As businesses find themselves increasingly reliant on digital technology and operating in digital spaces, industry experts recognize that for an organization to completely transform every facet of its business to be in sync with digital technology, its employees need to learn, unlearn, and relearn the right skills and competencies that are needed to perform the jobs of the future. Lifelong learning empowers a digital-ready workforce.

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