It was an amazing day of firsts. I am so proud of Dede Ruff, the ICCFS Director and Mary Gunther, the ICC Chief Influence Officer (along with Kate Wood and Joan Martin ICC Area Coordinators) who lovingly designed this experience for our extraordinary young communicators for Christ. All was intentionally innovated within 48 hours. WOW!
On Saturday morning, we gathered together to navigate the intentional innovation of a "Virtual" ICCFS Tournament using ZOOM Conference Technology. The life-giving community of the Institute for Cultural Communicators created a brand new experience for students from Rhode Island, New Jersey, and the Great Lakes Region.
All participants were able to grow as they were empowered to communicate face-to-face over the internet with their round table teams. Three teams had three sessions where they collaborated to solve the problem of "Plastic in the Oceans".
By the afternoon, students were "Celebrating" the ground breaking events of the day. Then they set to work on the task of recording their speeches and submitting their scripts via email and Google Docs.
The members of RI HOPE are so thankful for the grace-filled atmosphere and safe environment that they created for all participants.
An Normand posted this screenshot on March 14th, 2020, "Celebrating the Northeast trailblazing one of two very first virtual tournaments! How is that for Intentional Innovation."
Pastor Chip Northup commented: "Great experience. Opens so many new opportunities for communication mediums and global networking."
More comments:
"This is the perfect solution in this season.” - participant's dad
“It was great to be in my own home and practice these skills with other people!” - high school participant
“Wow! I’m amazed at the real-world skills our kids have been learning. I had no idea!” - participant's dad
"Our Student Leaders really know how to be present on a digital screen!" - ICC adult leader
“This was hard, but I’m happy to learn to support our kids.” - participant's mom
"I am SO proud of our life-giving community right now! I can’t imagine a time I have been more encouraged or more grateful to be part of ICC’s Global Community. In the last six days alone, we demonstrated our commitment to both community and innovation in a massive way that will benefit everything we create in the future. It was an impressive first event; but we’ve only just begun. I can’t wait to see how together we will continue learning and improving. So many doors are opening for our community members, and I'm extraordinarily blessed to be a part of a team that embraces a time like this to make us a better, even more extraordinary organization. This is a very exciting time! - Dr. Teresa Moon, President and CEO of the Institute for Cultural Communicators (ICC)
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